Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sold some gold...

Not much to report on today, other than driving south to San Antonio and selling off some of our newly created gold. We deposited a nice 5 million dolars into our account this afternoon and stopped for a great lunch in a small town called Helotes. We ate at a Mexican food restaurant called El Chaparral where they served amazingly fantastic green enchiladas! Of course, I had to indulge in one bottle of Shiner Bach beer with the meal.

We returned to Kerrville, via Bandera...almost made me consider becoming a cowboy as we drove through there.

Another fantastic weather day...much better than Nova Scotia or the desert of Chile.


Monday, January 25, 2010

More updates from Kerrville, TX

Sorry it's been a few days since I updated my blog. I've been very busy working with Jaze and Phelmar on our new headquarters near Kerrville, TX. We have been busily stringing lights into the cave that is on the property so we can start moving in items like the atomic re-generator and bars of gold that we are making from scrap metal we found at the Kerrville landfill out on Landfill Road (such a quaint name for a street). An old refrigerator and two decrepit hot water heaters were transformed into 10 pounds of gold. Not a bad trade!

Of course, I wasn't about to put these items into my Porsche Cayenne Turbo S, so we first purchased a 1985 Ford pickup out at Ken Stoepel Ford. Not the prettiest of vehicles, but great for hauling scrap from the landfill.

Next on our list is to run some plumbing down into the cavern, in case we need to spend a few days down there if Trias starts snooping around the property. With our new bars of gold, we will be selling the commodity for lots of cash that can be used to buy state of the art surveillance gear to give us some heads up when or if Trias sends agents by to investigate.

It was a beautiful day in Kerrville...I spent a couple of hours relaxing by the river during the afternoon. Based on communications from Trias, they will be turning on the arctic air later this week to demonstrate the power of the weather augmenter. Jaze is convinced that Iran paid Trias the 1 billion dollars they were asking for and that we will be seeing lots of unusual weather phenomenons this year. It has already cost the people of California millions of dollars in damage last week.

Gotta get back to working in the cave...Phelmar and Jaze are calling me.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Busy day in Kerrville

Had a busy day buying some new clothes for me and supplies for the headquarters in Kerrville, TX. Temperatures were almost 80 degrees...strong contrast to 28 degrees and snow in Nova Scotia.

The image above was taken from a small dock that extends into the Guadalupe river. The river runs for about a half mile through the property that we are using as our new headquarters. Should be great in the summer for swimming!

Jaze intercepted some more communications from Trias and it looks like they will be using the weather augmenter to send down some more arctic air for the United States again by next week. They are also claiming responsibility for the floods in California and Arizona. We have not been able to identify if they were paid the 1 billion dollars they were asking for and if so, who has paid them. Based on conversations we intercepted last year, they had been talking with North Korea and Iran. Of the two, Iran would have the most money and could fairly easily pay them the 1 billion they want.

More tomorrow....

Waking up in Texas....

Well, we made it. Jaze and our long time pilot, Phelmar, picked me up in the snowy woods of Nova Scotia yesterday. I'm waking up to a cool, but sunny morning on some property near Kerrville, Texas. The four bedroom home that came with the purchase of the 500 acres, is not too bad...

Jaze will be driving us into the town of Kerrville, later today. I'll snap a few photos on my iPhone and post them tonight.

It's supposed to get up into the 70's today...I'm liking that!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shivering in the woods!

I've hiked out to our secret meeting place where Jaze will pick me up soon in our spacecraft. I'm in a heavily forested area in Nova Scotia where it's snowing hard and windy! I wish he'd hurry up and land...I'm freezing out here!

BTW, I was happy to hear that Scott Brown won the election in Massachusetts!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why Government Health Care is Bad Idea

Not feeling like going out in the cold, Nova Scotia, weather outside, I've been catching up on some current Earthly events. Of course, the worst event happening right now is the Haitian earthquake from last week. Very horrible and from what I've read about Haiti, their country was an economic disaster before the quake. One of the poorest countries on Earth and unfortunately, with very little resources and education, this incident will only make matters much worse . I just sent the the Red Cross several thousand dollars to help.

Major flooding happening out in the western parts of the United States. I have not heard any updates from Jaze today, since he is finalizing the contract on the property we are purchasing near Kerrville, Texas. It would not surprise me to learn that Trias is manipulating the weather again...

I notice that there is a senatorial election in Massachusetts today. There is talk that if the Republican, Scott Brown, wins, the chances of a governmental health care bill being passed, becomes less. As I commented last summer on Twitter, Trias controlled all businesses and health care on Albanar. Not only were our services bad, but the really scary part of it all was that the government could use health care as a way to manipulate elections, contracts and other important issues. If you were seen as a subversive, then when you needed health care, you would find yourself not being able to get the proper medical attention for months or years. If you never spoke out against Trias, and did what you were told, you were able to get medical attention much more swiftly. Basically, when a government can regulate your health care, it can regulate just about every aspect of your life. Also, from what I read, the United States would force everyone to purchase health care. From reading your constitution, I don't see how this is considered a constitutional act.

Anyway, if I lived in Massachusetts, I think I would be voting for Scott Brown...

Moving soon!

Jaze called me last night on my new iPhone and it looks like I may be moving away from the cold and snow of Novia Scotia soon!

Using his alias name of Tom Reynolds, Jaze has purchased a 500 acre property near a town called Kerrville, in Texas. It has a river that runs through it called the Guadalupe river and most importantly, this property has a rather large cave on it. The cave will be perfect for hiding the atomic regenerator and gold that we will manufacture from the device. It has a house already on it and is ready to move in as soon as Jaze signs the contract and makes the down payment on the 5 million dollar deal. Fortunately, we had some money left over from the Moneticito property and the Glen Rose Ranch.

If everything goes well, Jaze should be able to pick me up tomorrow in our spacecraft and take me back to not only a warmer climate, but back to something closer to a normal life. Hopefully, if we can keep ourselves from being discovered by Trias, we can continue to monitor what they are up to and work on ways to disrupt their evil actions on Earth. As far as I know, Trias believes that I am dead. I plan on keeping it that way...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Got my new i-Phone

Over the weekend, Jaze sent me an iPhone to my secret location. Of course, it's been extremely modified for our purposes. For starters, AT&T will have no way to track the phone and its usage. The phone is capable of communicating with satellites and has the extra bonus of being able to be used as a modem with my implants. In case you haven't read about my sensory implants from my early tweets, they allow me to record my thoughts and turn them into text. No keyboard or annoying text keys on the phone.

With my new iPhone, I've been able to securely speak with Jaze at length about what has transpired during my absence. One fortunate thing I've learned...we still have one of our spacecraft hidden away from Trias. As many of you know, not only did Trias kidnap me back in October, but they also captured one of our two spacecraft. At last count, Trias now has 4 working craft and at least 3 of them have been modified with laser type of weapons that can destroy aircraft, most vehicles and fairly large buildings. We discovered how powerful they were several months ago when they attacked one of our compounds near Big Bend Park, in far West Texas.

Jaze also found out, through decoded phone calls from Trias, that they stole several million dollars worth of some gold that was located in a shed at my Glen Rose ranch, southwest of Forth Worth. After kidnapping me, they found the gold that I had recently replicated with the atomic re-generator. Fortunately they didn't find the replicator, but with several million dollars of gold, they were able to fortify their main headquarters and hire a satellite engineer who apparently worked with them on building a much needed satellite for their weather augmenter. This has allowed them to make weather adjustments without having to move the device to other parts of the planet when doing so.

More later...

Friday, January 15, 2010

The latest on weather augmenter

I learned yesterday from Jaze, fellow crew member and an electronics guru, that he had intercepted some communications between Morse Ulric (Trias leader on Earth) and a country interested in working with Trias and the weather augmenter that he possesses. As a demonstration, Morse decided to create heavy rain in South Texas and stop arctic air from surging into the United States for at least 5 days. Since then, parts of South Texas have had 5-6 inches of rain and more is forecast. Since then, the entire country is predicted to go into a major warming for at least a week.

Jaze has not learned whether this particular country has agreed to pay Trias 1 billion dollars to work with them or to stop causing the extreme cold that has gripped most of the northern hemisphere. None of this cold was predicted by computer models and has made it difficult for the scientists who continue to predict global warming. As I know from my years of working with the augmenter, it is a powerful tool.

Meanwhile, I know I haven't mentioned anything in my blog about my girlfriend, Sarah Jenkins, Secret Service Agent from Texas. There is a reason for this...while I was presumed dead, Sarah started dating an actor that she met in Santa Barbara, CA while shopping for the crew at our western headquarters in Montecito. His name is Edward Norton. After reading about him online, it's a little hard to compete with this guy. Looks like he's been pretty successful and certainly looks a little more "photogenic" than me. Sarah and I have had some long phone conversations since I made it back from the desert...she feels really bad about the breakup, but I've assured her it's OK. Besides, with my life in constant danger from Trias, it's probably best that we aren't together.

Soon after the Trias kidnapping of me at Glen Rose, TX, the rest of the crew sold the ranch and the Montecito headquarters and essentially went "underground" for fear that Trias would try another one of their "surprise" attacks. Sarah went back to work for ex President Bush in Crawford and Jaze and the rest of the crew disbursed to various parts of the US and Canada. As for me, I still can't reveal where I am except to say it's been damned cold! I much prefer Texas and California weather!

As for the atomic re-generator that I hid at the ranch in Glen Rose, I have securely moved it to another secret location, for fear that Trias will find it. With the ability to manufacture gold from other elements, Trias could have access to even greater power if they could get their hands on it. That's something I can't allow to have happen!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Morse is behind the Cold Weather

Trying to keep things as quiet as possible, this is my first blog in awhile...lots to share with you. I will do so in several blogs in the next few days.

As most of you know, who have been following me, Trias is the tyrannical government that rules most of my home planet of Albanar. Before secretively boarding a spacecraft with some fellow citizens that were fleeing the evil government, I was employed as a weather augmenter by Trias. My job was to use our technology to enhance storm systems or make heat waves and cold winters even worse against the few countries on Albanar that were not part of Trias.

The weather augmenter was very effective in making lives miserable for our enemies...hurricanes could be changed from f-1's to f-4 or 5's, high temperatures could be increased by 10-20 degrees in regions and decreased equally as low.

After several years of working in this top secret organization that ran the augmenter, I decided I could no longer tolerate the mental anguish of knowing that perhaps thousands of people were dying each year due to my actions. I decided to make a somewhat daring and dangerous move, leaving not only the government, but the planet.

I arrived on Earth last April, along with 20 other crew members. Unfortunately, Trias found our landing location and were there to greet us when we landed, to the SW of Fort Worth, Texas. Only 4 of us managed to survive. You can read my Tweets on www.zartocveldorn.com for more information.

Anyhow, last Fall, the leader of Trias on Earth, Morse Ulric, who managed to bring one of the weather augmenters with him on his craft, threatened to use it against the United States unless billions were sent to his group. Trias needs the money to strengthen their presence on Earth and eventually set up a government here, like on Albanar. The Obama administration refused to make any deals with him, so Morse threatened to use the augmenter on any hurricanes that might form near the United States. Well, thanks to the el Nino pattern, none of any consequence formed, so the threat went empty. It was soon after, that I was kidnapped from my ranch in Glen Rose, TX by Morse and several other Trias agents and left for dead in the middle of the Atacama desert in Chile.

After speaking with my lead crew member and electronics specialist this week, Jaze Callisto, I learned that Trias made additional threats to almost every major country in the northern hemisphere in November, hoping to find one country to pay them the billions they were asking for. According to Jaze, the countries that Morse contacted all thought he was crazy and none took his threats seriously, especially since November was very mild for most of the northern parts of the world.

As you all know by now, that has all changed...most of the northern hemisphere of Earth is having one of the coldest winters in decades and more arctic outbreaks are being forecast in the future. Unfortunately, several countries, who are struggling the worse with the arctic chill are taking Morse seriously and have contacted him. If these countries decide to pay the "weather ransom" it will give Trias the power it needs to start growing on Earth. I am very worried...especially when I see how easy it is for people in the United States to consider giving up many of their freedoms over this past year.

I will be writing more, soon....

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm Alive...

  1. A few tweets from tonight...
    It would not surprise me that Morse is using the weather augmenter to cause this incredibly cold winter for the northern hemisphere.
  2. I don't want Morse to find me...last time he almost killed me!
  3. For security, I will be communicating mostly through my blog....
  4. I can't reveal my location and will keep tweets to a minimum. Here is my blog: http://zartocveldorn.blogspot.com/
  5. Tell Sarah and the crew that I am alive....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I've been in hiding

Somehow I survived for over two months in the Atacama desert in northern Chile, thanks to some local indigenous people who rescued me from a deep sinkhole that I fell into while trying to find food and water. Fortunately, the sinkhole had a flowing spring and lots of bugs and small mammals that I was able to live off during my two month ordeal. Not that I particularly enjoyed eating the bugs and small mammals...especially since there was no fire to be found in a deep, dark sinkhole!

The Spanish speaking people who rescued me, took me to the town of San Pedro de Atacama, where I stayed in a very crude hospital for several days, waiting for a traveling doctor to examine me. Dr. Jesus Maldonado was surprised to hear me speak English and even more surprised that I had been able to live in the infamous Atacama desert for more than a few days. Of course, he was a little curious about how I came to find myself in the middle of the driest place on Earth. And of course, I was a little hesitant to tell him the truth.

Anyhow, I am no longer in Chile, but am keeping my whereabouts secret for now. Even my crew and girlfriend, Sarah don't know I'm alive at the moment.

For those of you who want to know more about me, please go to my website, www.zartocveldorn.com From there you can read my tweets (PDF) or find me on Twitter, where you can read my last tweets from May through September, when I was dropped off in the middle of the Atacama Desert by my nemesis, Morse Ulric.
