Friday, January 15, 2010

The latest on weather augmenter

I learned yesterday from Jaze, fellow crew member and an electronics guru, that he had intercepted some communications between Morse Ulric (Trias leader on Earth) and a country interested in working with Trias and the weather augmenter that he possesses. As a demonstration, Morse decided to create heavy rain in South Texas and stop arctic air from surging into the United States for at least 5 days. Since then, parts of South Texas have had 5-6 inches of rain and more is forecast. Since then, the entire country is predicted to go into a major warming for at least a week.

Jaze has not learned whether this particular country has agreed to pay Trias 1 billion dollars to work with them or to stop causing the extreme cold that has gripped most of the northern hemisphere. None of this cold was predicted by computer models and has made it difficult for the scientists who continue to predict global warming. As I know from my years of working with the augmenter, it is a powerful tool.

Meanwhile, I know I haven't mentioned anything in my blog about my girlfriend, Sarah Jenkins, Secret Service Agent from Texas. There is a reason for this...while I was presumed dead, Sarah started dating an actor that she met in Santa Barbara, CA while shopping for the crew at our western headquarters in Montecito. His name is Edward Norton. After reading about him online, it's a little hard to compete with this guy. Looks like he's been pretty successful and certainly looks a little more "photogenic" than me. Sarah and I have had some long phone conversations since I made it back from the desert...she feels really bad about the breakup, but I've assured her it's OK. Besides, with my life in constant danger from Trias, it's probably best that we aren't together.

Soon after the Trias kidnapping of me at Glen Rose, TX, the rest of the crew sold the ranch and the Montecito headquarters and essentially went "underground" for fear that Trias would try another one of their "surprise" attacks. Sarah went back to work for ex President Bush in Crawford and Jaze and the rest of the crew disbursed to various parts of the US and Canada. As for me, I still can't reveal where I am except to say it's been damned cold! I much prefer Texas and California weather!

As for the atomic re-generator that I hid at the ranch in Glen Rose, I have securely moved it to another secret location, for fear that Trias will find it. With the ability to manufacture gold from other elements, Trias could have access to even greater power if they could get their hands on it. That's something I can't allow to have happen!

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